Party on!
Dealing with the lawParties can cause noise and light (lasers) nuisance to the neighbourhood. So choose your location wisely. If possible involve your neighbours in the party! Prepare a gameplan for if the police comes. Make your most representative guy talk to them. Always respect their 'authoritah', even if 'they tok ur job'!
Invite early, invite allParties are more fun with more people. So invite a lot of people. Bare in mind that some may not come due to last minute complications. Encourage people to bring their friends; the more the merrier! Try to involve as many nationalities, genders, orientations, and species as possible! If at work, avoid inviting only a few that you like most. This will give a bad impression. Simply invite them all! Oh yeah, invite early enough: some people schedule their weekends months in advance! Finally, be sure to send reminders leading up to the event.
AlcoholParties tend to be more fun when people are acting spontaneously and freely. Sadly, for many scientists, this state of mind is often achieved only after consuming enough alcohol. Therefore, make sure to get enough drinks for guys (cold beers) and girls (cocktails, long drinks; don't forget the ice and limes!). Also, make sure to encourage people to bring their own supplies!
ThemesA party is usually more 'special' when there is a theme or occasion. You can even go as far to imply a dresscode (80s rock band theme on the right). Having a cool occasion makes the party more 'once-in-a-lifetime', contributing to its already-legendary status! Make one up if you have to: a good one is to celebrate the outing of a straight friend (without telling him ;) ).
Organised mayhemAs mayhem may occur at any time during the party, try to prepare: Have some cleaning stuff ready for little incidents. A smart one is to limit the amount of glassware used, as they may break. Remove precious items as you never know... Make sure to have enough place to drop garbage (empty beer cans usually).
Kitchen TrafficA common party hazard, especially with a low turn-up, is the build up of people in the kitchen. This can be undesired as the people block access to the drinks/foods. Moreover, the designated dance arena may become empty. Try to direct people out of the kitchen as much as possible. A useful tool is to point a stroboscope directly in the kitchen. This subtle visual stimulant will drive them out and back to dance floor in a jiffy!
ShotsA good party has shots provided by the hosts. Make sure to have enough types (tequila, wodka, Jägermeister) and that they are chilled before the party starts. Also, get suitable shot glasses. Ideally, a German guy should go round offering the shots... The Jerries can be extremely convincing, yawohl!
Visibility vs spontaneityWith time the alcohol intake increases fairly regularly. On the other hand, the layering of the effects originates a gradual decrease of the visibility. Accordingly, since the spontaneity/dancing spirit of people depends on both the visibility and the alcohol intake, your party is going to become epic in an exponential fashion! Get ready to party down b*tches!